Select the correct answer:

1. Summer comes
in a blaze of heat
with sunny smiles
and dusty feet
Name the season mentioned in the above line

2. 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'
is a short piece taken from the poem ____________

3. The poem 'On Killing a Tree' is written by

4. Complete the following poetic line by choosing the correct option given below
'We can Print and Plough and weave and _______'

5. Speak gently to the erring-know,
They may have toiled in vain;
Find out the meaning of the word 'toiled' from the given poetic lines

6. 'Speak gently-let not harsh words mar
The good we might do Here'!
The poet's appeal is not to speak words _______ words

7. And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by
'Wink of an eye' in the above lines mean

8. 'You Sang, Sir, you say?
Go then, 'Says the ant', and dance the winter away'
To whom does the ant say this?

9. 'My computer has always been so brainy and smart
It seems to know mountains of information by heart'
The figure of speech used in the above lines is

10. 'O'er the yellow pebbles dancing'
Identify the figure of speech